Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Innovation in Technology-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Innovation and Technology. Answer: Background: Innovation is the term that can be defined as the process of exploiting the new ideas I order to generate something new and improved. Innovation can be totally new or can be in the form of alteration of the already existing technology. Technology is the subset of innovation and is very important to make innovations in the new processes and products. Innovation is done according to the requirements if the people. As the new demands are coming up, the scientists are working towards the same and developing new and innovative technologies in order to fulfil such requirements (Bell, 2011). Studies have suggested that innovation is very important in todays world where the needs of the people are dynamic in nature. It is important in almost all the sector to compete with the industrial environment. Automobile is one of the sectors that have undergone many innovations since years. This is because this is the sector that is based on technological improvement (Kietzmann, 2008). Whether it be f our wheelers or two wheelers, innovations are taking place with very fast pace in this sector. It is not necessary that every innovation becomes the success but it has not stopped. There are instances that suggest that the failure of innovation in the automobile industry have resulted in great harm to the humans but it is the only industry where innovations have proved to be so beneficial for the humans as well. Products innovation: There are different types of innovation. Products innovation is one of them. It has been analysed that product innovation means different for different people. The actual meaning of products innovation is reacted to the development of new products, changes in the already existing products or the process of making such products etc. in other words, it can defined as anything that is new to the market or the business is called innovation (Williams, 2007). Any new thing or feature if introduced in the products for the benefit of the consumers in order to fulfil their needs is called product innovation. Example of successful product innovation: Development of automatic car is one of the most successful innovations found in the automobile industry. Automatic car means the automatic transmission system implemented in the cars in order to make the driving easy. In the year 1921, the first automatic transmission technology in car was invented by a Canadian steam engineer. His name was Alfred Horner. Horner has invented this technology with the help of compressed air. This invention has been later improved by General Motors (Ili, Albers and Miller, 2010). The change that has been observed in their technology was the use of hydraulic power rather that the compressed air. They introduced the Hydra-Matic transmission in 1940. Oldsmobile was the model that has used this technology in 1948. Now a days, there are many automobile companies, that are introducing the auto gear cars such as Maruti has released automatic Celerio, Honda has released automatic Honda city, Hunyadi is also in the same line with its models like i10 and i20 etc. Why and how this innovation has become successful: The automatic transmission system is introduced in the cars to divide some benefits to the customers initially; the manual transmission system was used in the cars. In that case, the drivers themselves shift the gears according to the speed of the vehicles. It cannot be denied that shifting the gear is the practice that adds on the fun element to driving but changing gear is also a hectic practice for some of the drivers (Miller and Morris, 2008). For resolving such issues and providing convenience to the customers, automatic transmission system has been introduced. This is the technological advancement that results in automatic shifting of the gears according to the speed of the driver. There is no interruption in this transmission as the gears are shifted automatically without any involvement of the driver. The automatic gear box is fixed in the cars that have the set ratio mechanism. Automatic cars required a fluid filled torque convertor that helps in transmitting the power in th e gears (Ehsani, Gao and Emadi, 2009). Hydraulic system requires more energy than the manual cars. This innovation has proved to be the successful innovation because it has provided various benefits to the customers such as: Convenience: this is a major benefit that the customers are getting due to automatic transmission system in the cars. This is because now the drivers do not need to have their concentration on steering as well as gears (Naunheimer, Bertsche, Ryborz and Novak, 2010). They just need to concentrate on handling the steering and gear scan be shifted automatically on the basis of the seed of the driver. No training is required: It has been analysed that intense training is not required to driving the cars with automatic transmission system. This is because the automatic transmission system is easy to use. Earlier, the people need to take training before driving but with the use of auto gear cars; it has become easy for them to drive (Charette, 2009). Even in traffics, it is easier to use such cars with auto gear as these cars have better stop and go techniques. Cruise control: It is another important benefit of using the auto gear cars. These cars are cruise in control. They can be controlled easily as the drivers do not need to shift the gear but only has to manage the speed. Application of innovation theory: There are various theories of innovation that can be introduced by the theorist. These theories of innovation provide the information about the theoretical aspect behind the innovation taking place. Different types of innovation takes place in the environment, some exploits the opportunities available in the atmosphere, some creates new ideas and requirements. In addition to it, some theories are related to the making alteration in the things and some are related to resolving the issues. The theory of innovation that can be related to the above innovation of automatic cars is the theory of design thinking (Kulkarni, Shim and Zhang, 2007). This theory suggests that a new thinking has been developed in order to make the innovation in the design of the product so that it can resolve the problem associated with the problem. The process of design thinking can be explained with the help of the designing thinking model that includes various elements such as empathy, define, ideate, prototype and test. Empathy is the step in which the designers have to think about the audiences who needs to be served with the product designs. Defining is the point where the users needs and the requirements are being assessed. Ideate is the step that results in thing about the various solutions that can be used to solve the issue (Madsen and Desai, 2010). It is the most important step where the actual thinking of the innovation is required. Prototype is the stage where the prototype of all th e ideas has been formed; the prototype is the representation of alterative ideas that are being suggested by different team members of the designing and innovation team. The last step is to test the different alternative and finalize the solution or the innovation and implement in on the products (Kim, Peng, Bai and Maguire, 2007). This theory is said to be associated with the innovation of automatic cars. This is because; it requires a thinking process to be conduct in order to design the automatic transmission system by the automobile engineers. Various types of system have been introduced and the hydraulic one was finally implemented in the cars to make it automatic. This is because it was the most feasible option available for them. This innovation has been introduced in order to make the car driving easier without having troublesome job o change gears ,annually which was the issue faced by many drivers. Example of failed innovation in the automobile industry: The automobile industry is the industry that believes in innovation at great extens.it has been seen that for generation, the industry is undergoing various innovations with time. This is because automobile play a very significant roles in our lives. In spite of all the benefits that have been enjoyed in terms of automobile innovations, it has been analysed that most of the harm to the mankind is also caused by the innovation in the automobile industry (Husain, 2011). In every 30 seconds, someone dies due to the road accident happened because of the use of vehicles. This suggests that it is not necessary that every innovation in this sector can proved to be beneficial, some fails badly due to defects and non-acceptance by the society. One of the players whose presence is very odd in the automobile industry is Google. Google has released their automatic cars in the market. It is the car that is driverless (Karden, Ploumen, Fricke, Miller and Snyder, 2007). The innovation that took pla ce in this car is related to the automated software that has been installed in the cars to make them run automatically on the roads. This has proved to be great harm to the society because of lots of wring happening due to tis innovation. The car was named Google Lexus SUV has found to be crashed with the van in US. There are many such incidents. The self-driving test report of Google cars suggests that there are many issues detected in the software of the cars. 272 disengagements have been experienced by the SDC cars of Google (Bojarski, Del Testa, Dworakowski, Firner, Flepp, Goyal, Jackel, Monfort, Muller, Zhang and Zhang, 2016). Tesla has also comes up with this idea and this cars of the company gain involved in the crash accidents now and then because of the technical faults. This is because somehow; the car failed to detect the anther vehicle running on the road. It not only affects the self-driving car but also affect the other people who are on the road (Schoettle and Sivak, 2014). This is most dangerous innovation that has been introduced in the sector of automobiles till now. It is not even accepted by the society as well. Self-driving cars are beneficial in one sense but are also very difficult for them to use such cars (Boeglin, 2015). These cars are not reliable and trust worthy. This is because the small technical fault can lead to big and fatal accident those results in death of the person. In terms of ethic also, it is not acceptable to realise such cars and allow them to run on the roads because this can be dangerous for the humans walking on the streets and the roads. Conclusion: It has been concluded from the discussion that innovation and technology is the aspect that is every important for the society. Innovation in the various industries helps the people to live better and easy life. Automobile is one of the industries that play an important part in the life of the people. It has been analysed that there are some innovation such as auto gear cars or the automatic transmission system in the cars that has proved to be very successful. This is because it has solved the issues that people are facing in terms of driving. Driving has become easy for the people as they do not have to deal with the gear issues and just have to concentrate on the steering. There are various theories of innovation that can be introduced by the theorist. These theories of innovation provide the information about the theoretical aspect behind the innovation taking place. On the other hand, same industry has undergone the innovations that have proved to be a big failure as they were n ot accepted by the society and the people. The innovation that has proved to be harmful for the society was the innovation of self-driving cars that have not given benefits to the people ratheer. 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